
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Life Dreams

In a mere 6ish weeks-we will have lived in our house for almost 5 years. Which outside of my childhood home is the longest I have lived anywhere...
by Milli

I write these words in the middle of the renovation that will "end" all of our renovations. Anything beyond this will be adding on to our house and that would be for bedrooms and a garage.  After this it will be touch ups or cosmetic changes. I do not foresee that part of our personalities going away. We are forever changing our ideas and outlook on home. In order to make it work we have adopted a "small living" mentality. Where we happily coexist in 900 odd square feet.

I talk about this because home ownership used to be on most American's dream list. We have made it!  Our house is a financial win for us and I appreciate that in my life-and it will continue to be even if we are not living here.  But I still know that  I have other dreams. Other things beyond these four walls that make me tick.

I recently was reading the life list concept. I feel that Luis and I are in the middle of the building our life list outside of this our physical home. We are shaping our spiritual home. We have been asking God to support us financially in sharing our story in how Christ has saved us with others (aka ministry of some type, but I not a fan of that word).  Now how to do that beyond-is a different story.

I am willing to wait five years to see the real layout of this come together, just as our house has taken about the same to realize the best path for it. I realize that God's plans and timeline are different than mine. I do know that his love and passion for me (and for you) are so awsome.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

On the Needles

*All of these links are embeded to Raverly-which you need a account to view FYI

1. Goodale
  Starting this cardigan for meee self!

2. Monster for Henry
3. Yoga Socks-for Emarie and me
4. Mittens for Christmas (Mark)
5. Audrey Sweater
6. Vest for Luca

*There is so much more I want to knit-I have a hard time focusing on more than one project at a time...deadline for most of this is Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Heavy Heart

I know I don't post often on this blog-but like my real life journal it feels good to write sometimes about things that are to hard to express otherwise.

Today I learned that a classmate had died-in an accident. He has a wife and 2 young children. He had a life-we did not talk anymore, which is fine by me. But what is jarring to me is that someone who that I have know from the age of 8 is dead.

I often approach death with a scientific hat-the hospice social worker in me sees the fragile beauty in it. But as a person life is to be celebrated and lived. But for some reason this seems unfair and senseless. Maybe it is because life is starting to feel busy-but I am sad. Sad for life that is gone and sad for a life that could have been. I feel that my life is not yet realized, that Luis and I are just starting to live out God's real plan for us. A plan to share his word with others and to care for the poor.  So today-I am grateful and sad. I pray that my classmate felt God's love in the last moments of his life and that his children are protected with God's love and grace.

Friday, July 6, 2012

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
-Amanda Soule

Monday, July 2, 2012

Start of Week 3-Summer Weight Loss

Here is where I am at for the start of week 3
· Eating is so meh-it has been hot here so I have a hard time mustering up energy to cook. We have been swimming, outdoor eating options ect. In order to improve what I put into my mouth I am going to do some pintrest hoping see what I can find to bring with us on our outdoor outings. Also I have noticed that Luis will eat a ton and then I feel like I need to catch up. This sounds weird but if we are on a picnic. I plan on waiting until everyone finishes to eat. I also have been ahem "snacking" at night not cool. So that will be a focus of this week.
· Last week was a good week for working out. I made it to the Gym-Mon for bodyflo, tues-outdoor hike and swimming, wed bodyflo, thus bikeclass and Sun-bodyflo. I am still sore this week, which is a good thing for me,.
· This week has high potential to be a disaster week. I need to do a run, but it is so hot here that Luis and I will need to get out early am. Hoping we can head out tomorrow with kids in strollers.
-That is it! I love that the online world keeps me accountable

Friday, June 22, 2012

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. 
-Amanda Soule

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Fitness

One of my favorite bloggers Ms. Zoot has put forth a summer fitness support. I am aiming towards a healthier lifestyle which is "supposed" culminate in a 13.1 mile run about Halloween time. So basically I am losing baby weight by training for a half marathon.
By the start of school 9/4/2012 here are my goals-
  • Run a 5K
  • Complete the lazy man triathlon
  •  Lose a pant size
  • bench 300lbs

Here are my numbers (not that you care)-

Left Arm-15.5
Rt Arm-15
Bust- 43
Belly- 45
Calf-L17.5 and RT17
me today 2012!

Here are numbers that I last recorded in 2010
Upper Arm: 14.5
Upper thigh: 27
calf: 17.5


Zoot is an inspiring lady! I am seriously inspired by her fitness journey. I hope to do the same, when I last wrote those numbers I was seriously out of shape. From that time I think I am way better off. I have been working out 3-4 days a week from Luca was 2 months old. I feel way stronger than I have in a long time. I still have a long ways to go but I feel proud. Thanks Zoot! Here is to an awesome summer!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Marathon 2

Did you think I just completed my 2nd marathon-Haha! No No-but my awesome sauce husband did.

Seriously-I always am inspired by him and I will share more on that!

But the parallel story is my brother Jake who finished the same Marathon in 3:50 min w/o training. Well, because you know he is a demi god-just call him Thor's uncle. Luis signed up for the marathon with intention of supporting Jake as he returned home from a year long deployment. As a way to set the tone for our support of him serving the U.S.A.

Okay-sorry Jake you are cute and all, but my husband gah! Every time he does something like this I love him more. I can't explain it exactly it may have something to do that I can't image doing it and he is not a demi god. It could also do with the fact that when he sees me on the course waiting there with our littles he is SO happy to see us. His face lights up just like when I walk up to him to marry him. Pure joy-my mom commented on how romantic he was when he saw us.  I just am so proud of him. He finished and finished strong.  So an internet congrats-to Luis on his second marathon.

6 months of Luca

Luca Lalo Vega is 6 months today. Ahem -like over a month ago...6 months old-just in time yesterday he start spouting a tooth and eating baby food like a pro.

This third time around with a baby has been weird. It has been like my labor-our doula (who was amazing) keep stating to me, welcome the pressure. Welcome the pain because it means your baby is almost here. I keep this on my mind when I am struggling with any given concern. I love that little baby so much. Like SOOO much-of course all parents love their children.

Parenting is a lot like middle school-awkward and bumpy. It is like you still have braces on or you like a boy and have no idea how to act around him. This is how it feels to be a mom right now-like sometimes I have hit my stride other times not so much. At times I have felt like I am unable to keep up.

*** However, the big kids went to FL with grandma and grandpa and it gave me a break.
***I went to a retreat and that gave me a break. I feel like suddenly I have been able to take a DEEP breath and be the Mom again I want to be. Not the Mom who just does what is necessary. I also know that God did not make a mistake when choosing me to parent my kiddos. That he knew I could do it and still can. That at 6 months of three has been hard but it was no mistake.

With that said, I come with wisdom that people have survived three young children and more importantly, there kids have turned out to be productive humans.

Friday, May 25, 2012

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. -Amanda Soule

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Muppet Swap

I got a package today and it rocked-A swap with a Muppet theme with an AWESOME gonzo mug. Coffee tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


My Brother Jake-is adopted and he is a wonderful, smart, and complicated person. He came at 6 months old from Korea. His first years here were difficult for my parents and I have no idea where they received that amount of patience from. I just read an article and while I still have mixed views about adoption and how it can impact children, this article moved me...please read it if you have a chance or have ever thought about adoption.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

5 month Luca

Things have settled down with baby Luca. We are now a family of five with a semi balance of routine. I love this baby-he is making raspberries with his mouth or sticking out his tongue and blowing. So stinking cute! He is also an excellent knitter as you can see. He makes my life interesting and I am excited to see him grow, he seems pretty relaxed and I hope that continues. I hate to comment on his sleeping, by the 3rd child I think as a parent who gets up at night not to count the hours of sleep that you get-but if you did it would be depressing. :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

{this moment} - A Friday ritual.

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
From Amanda Soule

 *I have been looking at this series from the beginning-first time participant..

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pinto Beans-and more

This past Monday-I tried something different.

Per the recommendation in this month's Everyday Food I took the wise advise and meal planed from their Jump-Start Your Week (not available online). It provided 5 meals, a shopping list for the week, recipes and prep ahead directions. I changed 2 meals to fit our family taste but stuck to the main ingredients.

On Mon I bought most of our groceries at our local co-op. Mostly because they have the best variety of lentils and I am specific about lentils. 

Our groceries were surprising reasonable. 

I bought some extra things too-yogurt,fruit and staples. Out total bill was 68.00. (Which inculded a free range pork roast and grass fed skirt steak...) Not bad...

Monday I got home and did the prep. Which took roughly 1.5 hours. I made pesto, rice, lentils, cut timed veggies and set out the meat to marinade.

I also cooked the first meal shrimp penne with spring herb pesto.  It was really yummy! It fed all of us (the kiddos ate it too despite it's green color). You cook everything together so It really just took about 12 minutes to pull it together. I was more impressed because I had set some aside for a family with a new baby and then it fed us leftovers too...I think I used more pasta than the recipe called for but still...

Tuesday- we had leftovers from the weekend, because I did not get the pork roast in the crockpot in the morning.

Wed- we are having a pulled pork style taco. (I changed this from a roasted pork loin). I am also making pinto beans from scratch using this recipe.  I am excited to see how it turns out.

I just told Luis I feel like I have been cooking constantly...but not really.  What I have noticed so far is that I don't have to think about what is for dinner. Of course duh! It something that has been taken off my mind.

Don't laugh at this next statement-I've never shopped with a list.  Like NEVER and you guys! It was great (somewhere my mom is rolling her eyes, because she has mentioned this numerous times). I am still a little surprised at the ease that was generated by that little list.

Well I will give one more update at the end of the week, see if I am still as enchanted with this idea as I am today.

And just for fun....a baby

Friday, March 30, 2012


My girl turned three today. She is a keeper that one. I feel like Ms. Emiliana Lane Vega is a lot like her mama. She is fierce, she loves with all her heart. She is quick to react and wicked smart (like a little bit evil). She knows what she wants and usually figures out how to get it. My mom sees Milli's heart when I have a hard time seeing it-so I feel like her and I are more alike than we will care to admit. Ahem...

Milli has taken to her big brother and also her little brother. She loves them both with all her heart. Luca is almost the same size as her. She loves candy,l oves books, loves her grandparents, LOVES star wars and princesses.

Honestly -the kid is hard pressed to eat a vegetable and at times can push my very last button. But there is this..

Last Sun she told me that God loved her. My heart melted. You see my birthday wish for her is to know that she is loved as a child of God. I try to show her that when I am parenting her. I hope she knows at three that she is loved by us.

Happy Birthday Milli!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Today was a good day.

We did alot and I like days when it felt relaxed and productive.

  • Baked a carrot cake from scratch-for Luis to share with his small group for his birthday.
  • worked out with Luis.( My arms are so tired that I just got the giggles btw) Body pump is not for the faint of heart. But a coworker had told me about how much he sweats during that class and I was I was kinda bummed because I wanted to sweat.
  • Worked more on my knitting projects and hopefully will get out to late night knitting group.
  • Paid my bills (snafou with online bill pay...) 
  • Work on my taxes...ugh
  • Did the dishes....
  • did two loads of laundry
  • and now will pick up the living room.
So I have not posted any project organize stuff. But I have been doing it! We have so far done the kiddos stuff and the cupboards (which Luis did and look fantastic!)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How we are "healthy"

Lately things have been good. I feel like we might have a routine going when it comes to healthy habits.

 You see I am still trying to lose all of my grad school weight.

Grad school weight? OH YES! It exists...You may ask (because I graduated more than 6 months ago)

Almost everyone in my cohort gained weight or lost weight, from stress. Now those who lost weight were in the minority and it was not healthy weight loss. It seemed like at graduation there was no one that was a healthy weight by any means. Did I mention I was 5 months pregnant (and looked like 8 months).

So we are slowing working on things. Luis is training for the marathon so he can eat whatever the heck he wants. We have been juicing right now one day a week. For me me it is a nice little fast and it keeps me from feeling bloated. I usually will have a kale, apple, celery combo that is quite nice in the morning. Then a veggie combo at night. We usually just take everything that is going bad and throw it in the juicer.  Matias has been into the carrot juice that Luis is partial to.

I am not focusing on my diet as much right now because I am afraid with nursing Chubs (aka Luca) that I won't be able to make enough milk. What I am doing is getting to the gym most days. I have a pretty great schedule, that includes deep water exercise and bodyflow (which is yoga, taichi and Pilates). This class is a ton of fun and has awesome music. Today was really good. The best part of the gym is I get a shower everyday sin children...mawhaha. So I have lost about 1.5 in a week. From the time I started keeping track. It is a start and I hope when summer roles around that I can be a place mentally to focus on calories and eating, winter is just so hard up here in the north :)

I have a fitness goal of being able to bike Grandma's with a trailer and kid, so I can watch and cheer Luis though his race.

I will leave you with a song that is on the bodyflow mix that makes me smile.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Project Simplify

I recently started to read simple mom-when she suggested this above project, I thought yes! But tomorrow is busy I have a salad to make, grocery store to get to, a craft project, and work. But in further reading what the hotspots that are on the list. I knew I need to participate.

Luis and I are really good at de cluttering we do it all the time. Goodwill is my friend. However, the areas that she stated are ones we really need to go though -kids, kitchen, closets and drawers and choose your own adventure which will be our OFFICE! Which is in no way time to simplify and make life more functional.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

11Things-just because-From Sometimes Sweet

So with out facebook/twitter which I gave up for lent-I have "time" to play along with this type of thing

Danielle from Sometimes Sweet writes:
There are five rules:
1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.- I just do this because of aforementioned fast
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them you've tagged them.

That's me front in the center (with Chrissy and Ms. Kristle)

1. I really love to SPAZ dance-like failing until you are super out of breath. I only do this alone or with the kiddos, but it makes me laugh so hard and it is really fun.

2. I have a total love affair with my CROCKPOT. Yeah -I cook like every meal in that thing. Family Faves are Taco Soup and salsa chix

3. I love water aerobics.

4. I wish I was in a band that sang songs about being a mom.

5. I hate Alfredo sauce.

6. My favorite candy is a tootsie pop.

7. I miss school and I want to get my Ph D. and teach social work.

8. I want to live in a tiny house or earthship.

9. I want a pet goat.

10. Luis and I love to talk up our goat to our neighbor who always brags about his dog.

11. I read romance novels and I am not ashamed. ;)

Questions from Danielle:

1. If money, schooling or time was no obstacle, what career would you choose?
           I think I would love to work as a wildlife guide. Taking people out camping experiencing the outdoors.
2. What's the one thing you look forward to every day?
          Smiles and happy moments with my family. 
3. What is your number one, all-time, favorite blog?
          This is hard- I think I would have to say Soule Mama. Amanda is endlessly inspiring and had brought up my knitting game by 10 because everything she shares I want to do ;).
4. Biggest online pet peeve?
          facebook-vaugebooking. Part of the reason I gave up facebook for 40 days!
5. What is your all-time favorite book?
          The Harry Potter series-book 3
6. What would your "last meal" be?
          Also hard, I really like good food-but something fresh and local. 
7. Do you believe in love at first site?
          I did not until- I met Luis. Seriously the moment we shook hands. I fell head over heels in love with him. He is my soul yes I do. 
8. What would your ideal Sunday morning consist of?
         Waking up early early morning x-country ski (out my backdoor), come home breakfast, reading and knitting snuggled up to a woodstove. Then church. 
9. Why do you blog?
           To remember.
10. If you had to choose one color to wear forever, what would you pick?
          Blue. because I love it. 

My 11 questions:

1.What is a social justice cause you feel passionate about?
2.What is your fav. snack?
3. Who would you have dinner with if you could pick anyone?
4. Where would you most like to travel too?
5. What is your favorite kind of tree?
6. What would be your perfect date?
7. Do you think world peace is possible?
8. Who is your favorite actor or actress?
9. Why do you exercise or if you don't- why not?
10. Would you rather have a lazy day on vacation or a busy day at your house?
11. Where was your first kiss?

That was fun. Hope you play along.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

3 months-Luca

Luca is 3 months...whew that went quick. I find myself most days thinking-uh what happened at Christmas...what did we do on my birthday. My mom made fun of me because all we did on my birthday was hang out and eat. But it felt so great to be still and do nothing. So alas life with 3 seems to be my limit-going out of the house is hard it take so much work. It is a catch 22 to have children so close together-I feel like my kids will be close growing up-which was what I wanted, but the burden on parents is a lot to take. I never want to come off that I don't love my children, but more I want to meet their needs.  Right. this. second. it seems I am not able to meet everyone's needs (including my own-hello shower).
 Now on to the good stuff!

Luca is so big! I bought an Ergo carrier to carry him around the house. He is almost in 9 month cloths-mostly 6 months. He almost rolled over today! As soon as I yelled "Luis Luis" he promptly put his head down. Here are a few photos that we took at a friend's house with a nice camera. Just looks like a little man he does

Friday, February 17, 2012

Luca Little

Luca is 3 months old
and I have no pic to post of that darling boy.

However he is...

-lifting up chubby legs

-giggling when tickled

-watching more tv for the other 2.

-smiling at everyone

-looking at me with grey eyes that are slowing turning brown.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I want to try and archive things that have interested me this week. So here we go.

These valentine gloves are awesome!

Free 2012 calendar.

I am starting a scrapbook called project life. I am excited to get started. I was thinking back to December after Luca was born and have NO recollection of what happened. WTH. So I thought either a weekly check in with some photos would be a nice way to do 2012. There is a digtal partnership with shutterfly and this brand. i think for us this is the way to go. I would love to do it by hand but Luis hates paper laying around and lord knows there is enough of that already at our house...

I have found what we are going to do Matias's valentines.

I think that is it from this week. <3 life

Friday, February 3, 2012


Outside my window... it is muddy and foggy

I am thinking... that I want to knit and have my hair done

I am thankful for... a chubby baby

From the kitchen... chili laid out to eat, and pbj sandwiches

I am creating...a little hat for a fore mentioned chubby baby

I am going... to Nadia's b-day and the gym tomorrow

I am reading... bible

I am hoping... that I will get some qt with all of my littles

I am hearing... blessed quiet

Around the house... lots of laughter and some minor hiccups 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Did I mention we had a baby...

Um yeah we had a baby.

Luca Edurado Vega was born 11.23.2011 at 6:40am -This is him last weekend all 8 weeks and 13 lbs of him.

I am back to work and therefor have time to blog ;) I can not believe we are a family of five! FIVE!!! Here is to babies and mostly to Luca. Our gentle giant-who was quite unexpected and also is now in the 95+ percentile for weights coming in at a whooping 13.5. In case you think I am a really crappy mom, I order this book and keeping tabs on the little one.