Luca is 3 months...whew that went quick. I find myself most days thinking-uh what happened at Christmas...what did we do on my birthday. My mom made fun of me because all we did on my birthday was hang out and eat. But it felt so great to be still and do nothing. So alas life with 3 seems to be my limit-going out of the house is hard it take so much work. It is a catch 22 to have children so close together-I feel like my kids will be close growing up-which was what I wanted, but the burden on parents is a lot to take. I never want to come off that I don't love my children, but more I want to meet their needs. Right. this. second. it seems I am not able to meet everyone's needs (including my own-hello shower).
Now on to the good stuff!
Luca is so big! I bought an Ergo carrier to carry him around the house. He is almost in 9 month cloths-mostly 6 months. He almost rolled over today! As soon as I yelled "Luis Luis" he promptly put his head down. Here are a few photos that we took at a friend's house with a nice camera. Just looks like a little man he does
I can barely function with two kids, and one of them is nearly self-sufficient! God bless you and your brood! You're a great mama! (and what a looker Luca is!!)