- This baby finds the most uncomfortable spots to take a snooze, she will be moving and then stop in a rib or a hip or at the top of my stomach...
- She loves a good family hug
- She loves it when her dad talks to her
- The ultrasound is her stage
Ok on to the other child in the house
- The world is his stage, everything is a microphone
- He like to read to his tigers
- Left his bear at church this past Sun. and trauma ensued last night, only to find out that the "bear" was in the diaper bag the whole night
- Now that he is over his cold, is a much nicer happier toddler to be around
On to the man of the house
- Is doing an awesome job of keeping the house clean!
- Makes me laugh
- Is doing awesome at school
- Has stolen my ipod and reclaimed as his own
On to me
- Hate the fact that my COBRA coverage changes every month and then I have to deal with the county
- Feeling happy that crossed off one other thing on my 101 things (Social Work school applied to!)
- Hoping I get into school
- Sewing a top for the baby so it will be done when she is two...I kid I kid (because that is not in line with my resolutions :))
I hope you guys are all feeling well and I will call you friday to confirm babysitting saturday. hugs...