
Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Hello 2009! Hello 26!

I used to dread my birthday on the 31st of December but I as I get older I find that it is pretty cool because I always get my new beginnings done in one fall swoop. For this year I have some pretty big goals, most are aspirations and not specific goals but I feel like yesterday I accomplished one (I finished a project, I clean the house with no assistance :)) and this is the momentum I need to keep going.

1. Finish projects...(no more half knitted, half sewn, half crochet projects, lying around) I actually did a preemptive clean and ripped apart all of my projects that were sitting there half-done. Now I am working to complete Christine's quilt square's and then I can move on to the baby leg warmer project I have planned for baby2.

2. Cook at home, not from a box. Matias and I have been eating out less, but most of our food is coming in a box. I would like to improve my culinary/meal planning skills, this is hard when I get home late, but I think with better execution it would be an easy area to improve upon. This parenting thing is about to get much harder, so any pre-planning that I can do is going to benefit me. (and Matias from staving once the baby gets here)

3. Get outside-One thing that I have notice is that Matias loves to be outside. I think that I could learn a thing or two from that attitude. In the winter it is a little harder, and our sledding excursion yesterday did not go well for me. But overall I want my kids to like being outside.

4. Take my health seriously. I have been in denial about my state of healthfulness for a long time. 2009 will be the year that I take it back. I want to be an example for my kids about what it means to be healthy.

5. Last but not least-To have an open mind. I think that setting aside expectations about what you want is a key to happiness. I not talking about the big things but I am saying, sometimes what I want is different than what everyone wants. I did this on New Year's Eve and I had one of the best birthdays I ever have had.

2008, was filled with ups and downs. But mostly ups, I am thankful for a healthy family. Thankful that we will be adding to our family and things look good with baby2. I am thankful for the friends I made this year. A couple of great memories that I don't think made it on to the blog. 1. Anniversary trip up north with Luis, which I received a lifetime passion for the movie Tristan and Isolde. 2. Going out to the farm with Ellen and Leo, I just love hanging out in the county gets my blood pumping. 3. Joining the River Heights Family, going to church every week keeps me sane. Enough said. 4. Book club, love hearing from other moms :)

Ok lets live!

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