
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

5ish weeks!

So if I was to have a schedule induction again, that leaves exactly 5 weeks from today that little baby 2 will be coming out. (and to Luis's birthday)

I have officially begun to freak out and nest! I cleaned out my clothing drawers and may have given most of my clothing away...but now I have room for the baby's stuff. Luis is busy finishing up the basement and we hope to move our bed and computer/craft stuff down in about 2 weeks.

Once that happens, I think we will get Matias a toddler bed. Which I have very mixed feelings about. He has not once tried to climb out of the crib, and the baby will be in the Moses basket for however long she wishes. and he knows how to open the bedroom door and come out. Which makes me nervous with us moving to a different floor that involves going down a flight of stairs. But alas, all the worry for nothing I am sure.

I was excited for only a few more Dr appts as well, but then I remember that after delivery I have to go on cumindin and see the hematologist. So that part is not really over yet.

Anyway I look at it I am so excited to meet this gal. We are heading off to my parents this weekend and I hope to get some stuff down here so I hopefully will feel much more ready than I do at this moment in time.

Oh and I must order some baby leggings!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it's really getting down to the wire, huh? How exciting! I hope it all goes well.
